Stage 1 | Chaves – Armamar

4th MAY 2025 | 118km / 1.938m+

Vilarinho das Paranheiras, Vidago, Oura, Sabroso de Aguiar, Barbadães de Baixo, Baluga, Tinhelo de Cima, Alfarela de Jales, Sanfins do Douro, Favaios, Vilarinho de Cotas, Pinhão, Quinta de Val Moreira.



Time: 00:00:00
Average: 00,00 Km/h

“The first stage begins in the North of Portugal close to the Spanish border. Shortly after the start the busy town Chaves will be crossed. Then the way continues on several offroad passages. After 12 kilometers you will find the first steeper climb, which is offroad but not difficult to ride. Afterwards it goes down again before the track climbs slightly uphill along a closed railway road for about 15 kilometers. At kilometer 44 you will drive into the second larger and steep climb. The following downhill passage is partly technical and it is recommended to ride carefully. At kilometer 64 you will already go into the last climb of the day. A part of it is very steep and with loose stones. Various participants had to go off the bike and push it up the hill. At kilometer 70 the climbing parts of the day are done and it is all about rollingdown. The first kilometers downhill contain some technical parts the rest continues again on a closed railway road.Although it is an easy offroad downhill the participants will be shaken thoroughly on their bikes until the end of the stage. After the finishline there are still 3 or 4 kilometers to go to the hotel in the precious town Peso da Régua, Just before the hotel you will cross the Douro over the impressive bridge Ponte Rodoviaria da Régua. There it is worth to take a picture.”

Ursula Gassman & Phillippe Egger
Switzerland – #747 & #746